Most workers rely on their employers to facilitate a safe and healthy work environment. Business owners go to great lengths to create health and safety frameworks that adhere to international and local regulations, invest in health and safety training and supply...
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Why EVERYONE is a Health and Safety Professional
Most workers rely on their employers to facilitate a safe and healthy work environment. Business owners go to great lengths to create health and safety frameworks that adhere to international and local regulations, invest in health and safety training and supply...
Construction Safety Software: Obstacles and Opportunities
The construction industry has one of the most hazardous working environments. Fortunately, construction companies are at the forefront of promoting occupational safety in the workplace to protect millions of employees. They are not above adopting technologies and...
New Depths of Health and Safety in Confined Spaces
Safety in confined spaces can be complex and dangerous, especially in mining, construction, and manufacturing industries. So complex that it’s not uncommon to hire third-party specialists to avoid the hazards of performing confined space work internally. A recent...
Hazard Recognition Triangle | The Significance of Experience
What is a Hazard Recognition Triangle? The Hazard Recognition Triangle is a great way to visually assess levels of risks and hazards in the workplace. By manipulating a few fields across three core safety categories, workers can reasonably assess the level of risk...
Future Proofing The Community | Partners in Health and Safety Management
As someone who makes hiring decisions within your organization, what matters more, education or experience? Education means that candidates possess layers of understanding, context, and knowledge about your industry and their particular role within it. It also...
How To Turn Actions Into Innovations with Occupational Health and Safety Software
What defines sofvie is its ability to empower workers to collect and report critical health and safety information and for health and safety managers to use that data to strengthen health and safety frameworks by identifying trends and enacting new preventative...
Looking to create a safe and healthy workplace? Learn what you can do for your worplace.
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Construction Safety Software: Obstacles and Opportunities
The construction industry has one of the most hazardous working environments. Fortunately, construction companies are at the forefront of promoting occupational safety in the workplace to protect millions of employees. They are not above adopting technologies and...
New Depths of Health and Safety in Confined Spaces
Safety in confined spaces can be complex and dangerous, especially in mining, construction, and manufacturing industries. So complex that it’s not uncommon to hire third-party specialists to avoid the hazards of performing confined space work internally. A recent...
Hazard Recognition Triangle | The Significance of Experience
What is a Hazard Recognition Triangle? The Hazard Recognition Triangle is a great way to visually assess levels of risks and hazards in the workplace. By manipulating a few fields across three core safety categories, workers can reasonably assess the level of risk...
Looking to create a workplace culture that benefits everyone? Learn what you can do.
See all our Workplace Culture Posts >
Why EVERYONE is a Health and Safety Professional
Most workers rely on their employers to facilitate a safe and healthy work environment. Business owners go to great lengths to create health and safety frameworks that adhere to international and local regulations, invest in health and safety training and supply...
How To Turn Actions Into Innovations with Occupational Health and Safety Software
What defines sofvie is its ability to empower workers to collect and report critical health and safety information and for health and safety managers to use that data to strengthen health and safety frameworks by identifying trends and enacting new preventative...
Remote Work | How To Be Internationally Successful
If nothing else, the past few years has taught us that business can operate without the need for boardrooms and cubicles, and that health and safety management is a 24/7 job. Many organizations made the transition without a single hiccup. Others, however, are still...
News &
See what’s new and up and coming at sofvie? See into our companies workplace.
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i18n Language Localization | Making Health and Safety Management More Accessible For Everyone
Health and safety sure is at the tops of everyone’s minds these days, but it’s been that way in the mining and a handful of other industries for decades. Workplace incidents have led to the accumulation of thousands of lost-time hours, personal injuries, and...